Dhaka International Christian Church (DICC) is a worshiping community of international Christians in Bangladesh. For more than 50 years we have been a Christian presence in Dhaka. We come from diverse national, cultural, ethnic and denominational backgrounds — nearly 30 nationalities are represented in our congregation.

Children’s ministry during worship when school is in session:

  • Nursery/Creche:  for children up to age 3.
  • Church/Sunday School: during the worship services is provided in two sections: one for  4- to 8-years old; and one for 9- to 12-years old.

DICC offers many opportunities for international Christians to serve and grow in their faith.  Beyond Sunday worship and fellowship, we have small groups, youth ministry (during the school year), men’s and women’s fellowship events, and seasonal and special events.

Through the Benevolence fund, DICC also enables members to demonstrate the love of Christ to the larger Bangladeshi community by channeling their financial support to individuals or projects.

If you are planning to live in Bangladesh for a short time or a lifetime, we extend a warm welcome to you and invite you to join our fellowship here at the Dhaka International Christian Church.